Serve on CMA’s 2019-20 councils and committees!

Serve on CMA’s 2019-20 councils and committees!

May 01, 2019
Area(s) of Interest: Physician Leadership 

The California Medical Association’s (CMA) Board of Trustees is seeking applications or nominations for members interested and willing to serve on CMA's councils and committees for 2019-20. Appointments begin and expire at the conclusion of the House of Delegates in October.

Council and committees meet as needed—up to four times per year via teleconference with potentially one in-person meeting.

Current members eligible for reappointment must submit a new application for the 2019-20 term.

The nomination/application deadline is May 31, 2019. Please submit a completed application form to, along with a brief CV (less than five pages) and statement of interest. For more details, see the information packet.


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