CMADocs App


Welcome to the New CMADocs App!

CMA's new mobile app lets you connect with your colleagues and engage with CMA content!  Download the "CMADocs" app today from the Apple or Google Play app stores for daily news updates, events calendar, resource library and more. 

Connect with CMA Your Way

The CMADocs app connects you with the content you’re most interested in and lets you engage with CMA and other members. 

Though the app provides access to valuable content for both CMA members and non-members, some features are for CMA members only. If you’re not a CMA member and would like to access the full lineup of available features, we hope you’ll take this opportunity to join CMA.

After you download the app, get the full experience by logging in using your CMA username and password (the same login you use for the CMA website, cmadocs.org). If you need assistance logging in, click here to retrieve your password or username, or to create an account.

Make sure you receive all the latest updates by enabling notifications both in the “Settings” section found in the CMADocs app menu and in the “Notifications” settings on your mobile device.

For more information and FAQs, download our CMADocs App User Guide

Questions? Need Help? Contact CMA Member Services at (800) 786-4262 or memberservice@cmadocs.org.

Not a CMA member?

Join more than 50,000 physicians making a direct impact on the practice of medicine and the health of California.