Executive Committee

CMA's Executive Committee is composed of seven officers, and their responsibilities encompass chairing the Board of Trustees (BOT), House of Delegates (HOD) and/or Executive Committee, as well as serving as CMA spokespersons.

The Executive Committee acts on emergency or urgent policy matters and performs other duties assigned by the BOT. This Officer Committee also formulates policy recommendations for consideration by the BOT and plays a leadership role in planning CMA's future engagement strategies, as well as serving as liaison to various organizations and groups. All actions of the Executive Committee, as well as its recommendations, are reported and subject to the BOT.

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Organizational Structure

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Sergio R. Flores, M.D.

Chair, Board of Trustees

Eric Hansen, D.O.

Vice Chair, Board of Trustees

Jack Chou, M.D.

Speaker, House of Delegates

George Fouras, M.D.

Vice-Speaker, House of Delegates

Donaldo Hernandez, M.D.

Immediate Past President

Dustin Corcoran, MBA

Chief Executive Officer

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