February 16, 2016
Area(s) of Interest:
LGBT Health Professional Development & Education
The 8th Annual UC San Francisco LGBTQI Health Forum, presented Saturday, February 20, aims to educate attendees about health care disparities faced by LGBTQI individuals and their communities, with the goal of preparing current and future health care providers to better serve the needs of this specific population.
Topics presented during this year’s forum will include transgender health, LGBT youth and mental health, HIV transmission and prevention strategies, substance abuse and harm reduction, sexual transmitted infections, intersex health, interpersonal violence and more.
This event will take place at the UCSF Parnassus Campus Cole Hall Medical Sciences Building. Tickets range from $10-$20 and must be purchased beforehand. Although the forum is designed for health professional and graduate students, all those with an interest in LGBTQI health are invited to attend.
To register and for more information, click here.