June 16, 2020
Area(s) of Interest:
Advocacy Access to Care Physician Workforce
California Medical Association (CMA) President Peter N. Bretan, Jr., M.D., issued the following statement in response to the California Legislature's passage of a balanced budget that protects health care:
"The budget approved by the Legislature this week protects access to critical health care as California continues to battle an ongoing pandemic and unprecedented economic crisis. This budget helps ensure that Californians, regardless of income, can have access to the health care they need during these unprecedented times. This budget also maintains important investments to ensure California has the health care professionals our state needs now, and in the future.
"This plan is compassionate, rational and balanced. It protects adult dental coverage and diabetes prevention program services for low-income patients and maintains the expansion of postpartum mental health services for women diagnosed with a maternal mental health condition.
"The California Medical Association wants to thank the Legislature for passing a budget that reflects California values."