March 25, 2024
HOD Actions Book
The final actions book from the 2023-2024 California Medical Association (CMA) House of Delegates (HOD) is available here. Once the CMA Board of Trustees has met to dispense with referred items, the actions will be updated and uploaded to the CMA policy compendium.
HOD Prioritization Survey
A prioritization survey related to the Major Issues reports and recommendations can be found here. Your feedback will be sent to the Board so that they can understand the viewpoint of the House when the Board develops its priorities for the year.
Reminder: HOD Meeting Structure Townhall on April 3
CMA's Governance Reform Technical Advisory Committee (GTAC) is hosting a townhall-style meeting for all CMA members as an opportunity to discuss upcoming changes to governance policies currently under development or consideration. The upcoming townhall on Wednesday, April 3, from 6-7 p.m., will discuss the HOD annual meeting, providing information on the previous meeting structure. This is your chance to give practical feedback on the current and potential alternative HOD structures. GTAC is looking for member input to determine if improvements should be made to the current system or if broader reforms are needed. Click here to register now.
2024 CMA Annual Session of the House of Delegates
The 2024 HOD will be held at the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center in Sacramento on October 26-27. The Committee of Delegation Chairs will meet in the spring to select the topics for this year’s meeting. Please communicate with your delegation chairs to ensure that your suggestions for topics are considered.