Stop the Medicare Cuts: CMA publishes flyer urging Medicare patients to help stop the cuts

Stop the Medicare Cuts: CMA publishes flyer urging Medicare patients to help stop the cuts

February 06, 2024

The California Medical Association (CMA) has created a waiting room flyer—”Will YOUR Doctor be There?”— physicians can use to encourage patients to join them in asking Congress to protect patient access and stop the Medicare physician payment cuts that went into effect on January 1, 2024. CMA believes that involving patients in the advocacy campaign will help to convince Congress to stop the cuts to improve patient access to care. 

The flyer also directs patients to visit where they can share their unique experience as Medicare patients to help shed light on why the Medicare system is vitally important. Patient stories can help CMA explain why we must reverse these harmful Medicare cuts. 

Why This Matters

Physicians are being hit with REAL CUTS of 8% in 2024 because of the 3.37% Medicare fee schedule cuts and the 4.6% rise in medical practice cost inflation.

Physicians are the backbone of the health care system. Yet adjusted for inflation, physician payment has declined by 30% since 2001, while hospital, nursing home and Medicare Advantage health plan payments have risen by at least 60%.

Physicians can no longer weather the decades of Medicare payment cuts on top of skyrocketing costs to pay nursing staff and run a medical practice.

How You Can Help

  1. Post/distribute the CMA flyer to urge your patients to share their stories and contact their members of Congress at
  2. Contact your members of Congress today and urge them to reverse the 3.37% Medicare payment cut that took effect on January 1.


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