September 16, 2021
Physicians for Healthy California’s (PHC) GME Startup Solutions has released a new resource to develop presentations on key trends in physician counts, geographic, demographic, and specialty distribution of active patient care physicians, medical students and residents, as well as projected demand and supply for primary care and psychiatry physicians.
The free resource also includes information on CalMedForce program outcomes, including funded resident position counts, and geographic and specialty distribution of funded positions.
Physician workforce development leaders, graduate medical education (GME) champions and policymakers are encouraged to utilize the presentation in its entirety or pull data and slides from, as needed.
GME Startup Solutions was launched by PHC in December 2020 and is focused on providing resources, events and programs that help California communities grow medical residency and graduate medical education programs in underserved areas and for the most needed specialties. The initiative is supported by CalMedForce and the University of California.