August 25, 2021
The California Medical Association (CMA) is asking physicians to lend their voices to help shape the regulations implementing Assembly Bill 890 (Wood), which became law on January 1, 2021, and authorizes two new types of nurse practitioners (NPs).
These new NPs—commonly referred to as the 103 and 104 NPs—would be allowed to perform certain functions without standardized procedures and physician supervision. The AB 890 statute requires the Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) and Nurse Practitioner Advisory Committee (NPAC) to set minimum standards and transition-to-practice requirements that candidates seeking certification as a 103 or 104 NPs must meet to practice without standardized procedures. This and other provisions of AB 890 are ambiguous, and it is critical that physician voices are heard as these regulations are developed.
To streamline our collective advocacy, CMA has put together a sign on letter summarizing some of our demands for the proposed regulations. Physicians are encouraged to digitally sign the letter by Friday, August 27, 2021, to ensure that physicians are heard in this process. Personalized sign on links were emailed to all physicians, so check your email. Your signature helps ensure that patient safety and care are held to the highest standards as this new law is implemented.
The BRN's NPAC is scheduled to meet and consider draft regulatory proposals on Tuesday, August 31, 2021.