June 07, 2021
Area(s) of Interest:
Public Health
As California businesses begin to transition back the physical workplace, employers understandably have many questions about what is, and is not, allowed as we continue to grapple with the fallout of the COVID-19 public health emergency. Working with employment lawyer Oscar Rivas of Landegger Rivas Verano & Davis, the California Medical Association (CMA) prepared an FAQ to help employers understand their rights and obligations. The document – Returning to the Physical Workplace: Legal parameters and considerations for employers – is available free to members only.
CMA is also hosting a webinar on June 23, 2021, at 12:15 p.m. with Mr. Rivas to answer some of the most common questions physicians have about return-to-work issues, including whether employers can inquire about an employees vaccination status; if vaccination is or can be required for returning employees; whether the employer is required to accommodate employees who want to continue telecommuting; what obligations, if any, will employers have to accommodate employees not vaccinated; and what issues should employers address once employees return to work.
This one-hour webinar—Return to Work Issues for California Physician Employers—will address all these issues, and provide information on how employers may go about addressing and documenting them. Registration is free for CMA members and their staff, and $99 for all others.