Are your designated contacts up-to-date in PARS?

Are your designated contacts up-to-date in PARS?

February 03, 2020
Area(s) of Interest: Continuing Medical Education (CME) 

Per ACCME policy, and to protect the best interest of all parties, all communication is generally limited to authorized contact persons identified by the CME provider in PARS.

Therefore, it is critically important to ensure that your organization’s contact information is current and accurate in PARS. It is also the responsibility of the provider to update PARS with members of the CME program and staff so that our CME staff can discuss your program.

CMA CME staff generally only communicates with the PARS Primary Contact, with the expectation that information is getting disseminated throughout your organization, as appropriate.

Below are contact information fields that can be included on PARS, and contact for assistance.

  • Primary Contact (Required): This person receives all official communications and is our first point of contact for any questions or issues related to your organization’s accreditation. Each organization is required to designate one person as the primary contact.
  • Billing Contact (Optional): This person receives invoices and other payment-related information. If you do not designate a billing contact, we will send invoices to the primary contact.
  • CEO Contact (Optional): This person serves in an executive leadership role and is ultimately responsible for the organization's accredited CME program.
  • Staff (Optional): Use this field to enter anyone who you want to have access to your organization’s records in PARS. This is typically an employee of the accredited CME provider.
  • ACCME Website Contact (Optional): Use this field to identify the person who serves in a customer service capacity to address inquiries and triage questions from external users and physicians. This person will be published as your organization’s contact in the Find a CME Provider section on the ACCME’s website. If you do not designate a person in this role, your organization’s Primary Contact will be published on the ACCME’s website.
  • Technical Contact (Optional): Use this field to identify the person who is responsible for information systems and technical updates related to your work in PARS.
  • Medical Director (Optional): Use this field to identify the person who serves in a medical leadership capacity and oversees strategic operations at your organization.


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