January 30, 2019
Area(s) of Interest:
Practice Management Commercial Payors
Anthem Blue Cross has issued new identification numbers and cards for a number of its members. New ID cards containing the new ID number were mailed to all affected members in late December. Providers are encouraged to make copies of each patient’s insurance card at the time of visit to verify the member’s identification number.
Anthem advises that claims submitted with an incorrect ID number will be returned to the provider for correction and resubmission with the correct ID. Providers will need to contact their patients to obtain their updated identification number. If a member does not recall receiving a new ID card in December or misplaced an ID card, the member can contact Anthem to verify their ID using one of the following options:
- Call the Anthem member services number on their ID card
- Log into their member account at www.anthem.com/ca
- Use Anthem's mobile app (Anthem Anywhere) to access their electronic ID card