September 08, 2017
Area(s) of Interest:
Environmental Health Professional Development & Education
The American Lung Association (ALA) is hosting a free webinar "Climate Change, Human Health and the Need for Clean Cars: A Webinar for Health Professionals" on September 11 at 11 a.m. This webinar is designed to educate health professionals on the importance of clean cars standards and how they are fundamental in improving human health, improving air quality and fighting climate change.
Today, millions of Americans are exposed to unhealthy air in their communities. However, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is considering weakening its current vehicle emissions standards, which could take us backward in the effort to protect the health of our patients, our planet and our communities.
In this webinar, health care professionals will learn why protecting current EPA vehicle emissions standards is important and what they can do to make a difference.
To register for this webinar please sign-up here.