Call for nominations: CMA mode of practice forum delegations

Call for nominations: CMA mode of practice forum delegations

March 15, 2018
Area(s) of Interest: Physician Leadership Professional Development & Education 

The California Medical Association (CMA) is seeking applications and nominations for physicians interested in serving as delegates or alternates for their mode of practice forum delegations to the CMA House of Delegates.

CMA’s mode of practice forums include the Solo and Small-Group Practice Forum, the Medium Group Practice Forum, the Large Group Practice Forum, the Very Large Group Practice Forum, the Academic Practice Forum, the Administrative Medicine Forum, the Government Employed and the Hospital-Based Physicians Forum. Membership in these forums is determined by each member’s self-selected mode of practice.

Delegates and alternates will be responsible for representing their modes of practice by attending and actively participating in delegation caucus meetings and in annual House of Delegates. Delegates are responsible for representing their overall constituency and not just their own personal views on issues. Individual delegations may have their own rules setting forth additional or more specific duties and responsibilities.

Delegates and alternates are elected for two-year terms beginning July 1, 2018, and ending June 30, 2020. These terms cover two sessions of the annual CMA House of Delegates:

  • October 13-14, 2018, in Sacramento
  • October 26-27, 2019, in Anaheim

Please submit nominations via email. See the Nominations Solicitation Memo for nomination forms and other requirements.

Nominations must be submitted via email no later than 11:59 p.m. on Monday, April 9, 2018. The CMA Committee of Nominations will meet in early May to review applications and create a slate of nominees.

A ballot will be distributed no later than May 7, 2018, to all eligible members of a given mode of practice forum. If a seat is uncontested, no election will be held and the candidate will be elected by acclamation. Election results will be announced no later than June 15, 2018.

Contact: Navdeep Dhaliwal, (916) 551-2073.

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