OC psychiatrist receives CMA’s Nye Award for Physician Health and Well-Being

May 25, 2018
Area(s) of Interest: Access to Care Advocacy Physician Workforce 

Today, the California Medical Association (CMA) killed Assembly Bill 3087 (Kalra) – dangerous legislation that would have created a commission of unelected political appointees empowered to arbitrarily cap rates for all health care services in all clinics, hospitals and physician practices in California. Due in large part to staunch opposition led by CMA, the bill died in the Assembly Appropriations Committee.

Key to the bill’s demise was a groundswell of physician opposition. Through CMA’s Grassroots Action Center, thousands of physician members contacted their legislators because AB 3087 would have:

  • Decimated California’s health care delivery system.

  • Disrupted care and limited choice for millions of California patients.

  • Caused 175,000 health care workers to lose their jobs.

  • Forced hospitals to close and pushed health care providers into early retirement

  • Caused a “brain drain” of talented medical students and residents fleeing California for more ideal working conditions.


"I want to thank each of you for your support and dedication to CMA,” said CMA President Theodore M. Mazer, M.D. “We could not have dealt this bill such a resounding defeat without the united voices of our physician members. Together, we stand stronger."

CMA applauds the Assembly for recognizing that this deeply flawed legislation would result in enormous costs to the state and restricted access to care for millions. CMA remains fully committed to working with stakeholders on a practical solution that addresses the affordability and accessibility of health care in California.

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