All CMA-sponsored bills survive key committee deadline

All CMA-sponsored bills survive key committee deadline

April 26, 2016
Area(s) of Interest: Advocacy 

All of the bills sponsored by the California Medical Association (CMA) this year have survived a key deadline, passing out of policy committees so that they can continue through the legislative process. Measures that did not receive committee approval were shelved for the year.

More details about CMA's sponsored bill package are below:

AB 2121 (Gonzalez) – Responsible Beverage Service Training
This bill seeks to help reduce alcohol service to intoxicated individuals and to reduce drunk driving by requiring establishments that serve alcohol to employ servers and managers who have received responsible beverage service training. Status: Passed Assembly Governmental Organization Committee

AB 2209 (Bonilla) – Prohibiting Secret Treatment Plans
This bill prohibits health insurance plans from developing and implementing clinical care "pathways" that dictate how medical professionals practice medicine. Status: Passed Assembly Health Committee

SB 867 (Roth) – Emergency Medical Services
Current law requires a portion of certain infractions and fines to be donated in the Maddy Emergency Medical Services Fund, which provides reimbursement to physicians who treat uninsured patients. This bill would remove the sunset date on the program, making it a permanent program. Status: Passed Senate Public Safety Committee

SB 1177 (Galgiani) – Physician and Surgeon Health and Wellness Program
This bill will reestablish a Physician Health and Wellness Program for California physicians suffering from substance abuse, mental and behavioral health issues. Status: Passed Senate Business and Professions Committee

For more information on these and other bills of interest to physicians, subscribe to CMA’s Legislative Hot List.


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