October 27, 2023
After discussions with the Committee of Delegation Chairs and the Board of Trustees, we are moving ahead with plans to conduct a hybrid (virtual with the option for in-person) Annual Session of the House to dispense with critical business, most importantly our annual elections, including President-Elect, Speaker and Vice-Speaker.
This will be a half-day meeting, to be held on Sunday, November 5, from 3-6 p.m., via the Lumi virtual meeting platform, with an in-person attendance option at the DoubleTree Sacramento. If you would like to attend in person, please RSVP here by October 31.
While there will be an in-person opportunity, all voting will be done virtually via personal computer, tablet or mobile device of your choosing. Due to the abbreviated nature of this hybrid meeting, consideration of the Major Issues Reports will be deferred to a future Interim Session of the House in early 2024, if the House elects to conduct an Interim Session. No action will be taken on the Major Issues at the November 5 meeting.
To access the abbreviated agenda, please click here.
A revised Rules Report has been created and posted online. The House will vote on these Rules at the start of the meeting.
- October 31, 2023
- Extraction of the Rules Report Deadline
- November 2, 2023
- Extractions of Actionable Reports
- Bylaws 1-23: Electronic Ballot Option for HOD Elections
- HR 1-23: Merger and Consolidation of the Santa Cruz County Medical Society and the Monterey County Medical Society
- Seating of Alternates: Deadline to make changes to your delegation roster
To extract from the consent calendar, click here. More information on the Lumi platform will be provided next week.