Board Actions on Q3 Council Reports

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August 04, 2023

Thank you to all who participated online or through your delegation to provide testimony on our third quarter (Q3) resolutions. Your input was used to inform the Councils and Subcommittees, which met and developed recommendations. Those recommendations then went before the CMA Board of Trustees.

The Board took the following actions on the Recommendations in the report from the Council on Science and Public Health:

RECOMMENDATION 1: 103-23 Front of Package Labeling for Food High in Calories, Sugar, Fats or Sodium

RESOLVED: That CMA supports front-of-package labeling for foods high in calories, sugar, unhealthy fats, or sodium; and be it further

RESOLVED: That CMA supports front-of-package labeling that allows for relative ease of comparisons between different foods; and be it further

RESOLVED: That CMA encourages the development of a nutritional food grading system that meets a minimum standard of providing a) a simple, highly visible (i.e. front-of-package), and b) easy-to-understand rating scale that is usable by consumers to compare foods at point-of-purchase; and be it further

RESOLVED: That CMA supports developing a process for nutritional food labeling that prioritizes scientific rigor to ensure the nutritional food grading system is evidence-based.

Board action: Approved Council's recommendation to adopt amended Resolution 103-23.

RECOMMENDATION 2: The Council on Science and Public Health recommends disapproval of Resolution 109-23.

Board action: Approved Council's recommendation to disapprove resolution.

The Board took the following actions on the Recommendations in the report from the Council on Membership, Governance and Bylaws:

RECOMMENDATION 1: 302-23 Merger of Santa Cruz County Medical Society and Monterey County Medical Society

RESOLVED: That pursuant to Chapter 4, Section 4.04 of the CMA Bylaws that the charters of both the Monterey County Medical Society (MCMS) and Santa Cruz County Medical Association (SCCMS) be rescinded, and that a new charter be issued to the merged entity now named the Santa Cruz Monterey Medical Association, and be it further

RESOLVED: That the CMA officially recognize this consolidation and make appropriate changes in all official publications, documents, and policies, and be it further

RESOLVED: That the CMA notify the American Medical Association of the consolidation and the new name and request that the appropriate changes be made in the organization’s official publications, documents, and policies.

Board action: Approved Council's recommendation to adopt amended resolution.

The Board took the following actions on the Recommendations in the report from the Council on Ethical, Legal and Judicial Affairs:

RECOMMENDATION 4: The Council on Ethical, Legal and Judicial Affairs recommends approval of a substitute in lieu of Resolutions 501-22 and 501-23.

RESOLVED: That CMA recognizes that it is imperative to establish a framework for healthcare providers to appropriately but temporarily hold and care for those adult patients who: 1) lack capacity to make healthcare decisions for themselves, 2) are seriously ill, gravely disabled or at other risk of harm to themselves or others, and 3) who wish to leave the healthcare facility despite the existence of these conditions and/or risk of harm, until such time that 1) the individual recovers decision-making capacity, 2) a surrogate decision-maker can be appointed, or 3) the patient can be safeguarded by family or friends, whichever comes first; and be it further

RESOLVED: That CMA supports the development, with the collaboration of appropriate stakeholders, of a model policy and an action plan to promote the implementation of a framework for healthcare providers to determine how to temporarily hold and care for those adult patients who 1) lack the capacity to make healthcare decisions, 2) are seriously ill, gravely disabled or at other risk of harm to themselves and or others, and 3) who wish to leave the healthcare facility despite such conditions and/or risk of harm, until such time that 1) they recover decision-making capacity, 2) a surrogate decision-maker can be appointed, or 3) the patient can be safeguarded by family or friends, whichever comes first.

Board action: Approved Council's recommendation to approve amended resolution.

The Board took the following action on the Recommendations in the report from the Council on Health Professions and Quality of Care:

RECOMMENDATION 1: The Council on Health Professions and Quality Care recommends approval with amendment of Resolution 601-23.

RESOLVED: That the CMA encourages national specialty boards who hold in-person centralized mandatory exams for board certification to offer alternative methods of taking mandatory board certification examinations, such as virtual boards examinations, or to locate them outside of states who are in the process of banning or restricting or who have banned or restricted abortion, gender affirming care or reproductive healthcare services; and be it further

RESOLVED: That this matter be referred for national action.

Board action: Approved Council's recommendation to approve amended resolution.


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