April 06, 2021
The California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) has issued a number of new waivers related to ordering and administering of COVID-19 vaccines that impact physicians, physician assistants, medical assistants and medical students.
DCA Waiver DCA-21-140: Health care providers, including physicians, with an expired or inactive license who held an active license in good standing within the last 5 years who complete specified COVID-19 training and meet other requirements may order or administer the COVID-19 vaccine in association with a state, local or institutional COVID-19 vaccination effort.
DCA Waiver DCA-21-139: Students in a health care training program, including medical students, who complete specified COVID-19 training and meet other competency and supervision requirements may administer the COVID-19 vaccine in association with a state, local or institutional COVID-19 vaccination effort.
DCA Waiver DCA-21-138: Medical assistants who complete specified COVID-19 training and meet other requirements may administer vaccines, epinephrine, or diphenhydramine under the supervision of a physician, physician assistant, nurse-practitioner or certified nurse midwife.
Vaccinations can be administered by medical assistants without a patient-specific written order or standing order to the medical assistant and supervision can occur without a written delegation of supervision from a physician and surgeon, and without a practice agreement or standardized operating procedure that includes instructions for providing specific authorization for administration.
DCA Waiver DCA-21-137: Physician assistants who complete specified COVID-19 training and meet other requirements may independently order and administer any COVID-19 vaccines in association with a State, local, or institutional COVID-19 vaccination effort.
You can read the full waivers and see a list of current waivers on the DCA website.