CMA files complaint about Anthem’s unlawful denial of claims for emergency services

September 05, 2018
Area(s) of Interest: Hospitalist Hospitals and Health Facilities Medical Staff Self Governance 

The California Medical Association (CMA) Organized Medical Staff Section (OMSS) is requesting nominations for elected officer positions on the OMSS Executive Board. OMSS has a vital role in protecting self-governance and quality care in our state. We need leaders to carry on the good work of OMSS.

There are currently vacancies for several positions. For more information, including descriptions of OMSS officer roles and responsibilities, click here.

Nominations must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on September 10, 2018. The names of all qualified individuals who are duly nominated will appear on the ballot for election to the OMSS board at the OMSS Annual Assembly and Education Conference on October 12 in Sacramento. Nominations may also be accepted from the floor.

For more information about nominations, please contact Yvonne Choong, CMA Vice President of Health Policy, at ychoong@cmadocs.org or (916) 551-2884.


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