Coalition partners stand together to thank Legislature, Governor Brown for passing and signing Senate Bill 277

January 07, 2015

The new year always brings about exciting opportunities for change and improvement—two elements that are vital to the success and sustainability of any venture. With this in mind and building on the foundation of our existing webinar program, we will soon be introducing new speakers, fresh content and a streamlined schedule. In order to accomplish this we will be placing the webinar program on a temporary hold while we work behind the scenes to bring you a great line up for 2015.

In the meantime, CMA members can access our archived webinars and view them for free by going to www.cmadocs.org/webinars.

Also, are there topics already being covered that you would like to learn more about? Is there a subject we have not yet touched on that you would like featured this year? Is the 12:15-1:15 p.m. hour still ideal for attending webinars? Please send your feedback to sreish@cmadocs.org.

Thank you for your patience and your continued support of the CMA webinar program.


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