June 08, 2018
Area(s) of Interest:
Cultural Competency Physician Leadership Physician Wellness Professional Development & Education
Registration is now open for the 2018 Network of Ethnic Physician Organizations (NEPO) Summit. This year's theme, Building the Best You: Celebrating the Joy of Medicine, will address issues of physician burnout and provide solutions to create a culture of wellness and physician well-being.
The 2018 NEPO Summit is a unique and exciting educational event for physicians, medical students, public health professionals and community leaders. The NEPO Summit will provide you with opportunities to learn about key health policy issues, building diversity in the workforce and increasing cultural competency in clinical care.
The 2018 NEPO Summit will be held at the Westin Pasadena. A block of rooms has been reserved at a special rate of $169/night. These rates are guaranteed through Wednesday, August 22, 2018, or until the room block is filled. To make a reservation, please visit the hotel website.
The summit will inspire physicians and health care providers to participate in community health efforts and to be challenged to improve health care and the quality of life in their communities. You will have the opportunity to hear from nationally acclaimed thought leaders and network with colleagues.
Register early and save! Early bird registration (available through August 13) is $50 for medical students and $249 for all others. After August 13, registration goes up to $100 and $349, respectively.
Watch for conference agenda details to be posted soon at www.phcdocs.org.