November 13, 2017
Area(s) of Interest:
Health Care Reform Advocacy Practice Management
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has extended the Physician Compare preview period to December 1, 2017. The extension is due to a technical issue that prevented data from properly being displayed in the Provider Quality Information Portal (PQIP). With the problem resolved, physicians can again preview their 2016 performance information as it will appear on the Physician Compare website.
The Affordable Care Act required CMS to create a website that would allow consumers to search for and compare physicians and other health care professionals who provide Medicare services. That site—the "Physician Compare" website, initially launched in 2010—provides contact information, specialties and clinical training, hospital affiliations and group practice information.
A number of resources are available to help providers navigate the 2017 Physician Compare preview period.
For assistance accessing PQIP or obtaining information on Enterprise Identity Management users, contact the QualityNet Help Desk at (866) 288-8912 or For questions regarding Physician Compare, public reporting or the 30-day preview period, contact