July 20, 2016
Area(s) of Interest:
Environmental Health Physician Leadership Professional Development & Education
As part of a two-year, statewide initiative focused on increasing health provider knowledge about climate change, the California Medical Association (CMA) Foundation is recruiting physicians and other providers to be Climate Change and Health Champions. This initiative will expand the diversity of voices speaking about the impacts of climate change on health. By mobilizing health provider champions, the project aims to increase public understanding that climate change is an important public health issue and to build public support for climate change solutions.
The CMA Foundation invites physicians to an interactive training on how to become a health champion on Tuesday, July 26, 2016, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in Oakland.
As a health champion, you will educate your community about how climate change affects health and what can be done to reduce this impact. The “Climate Change and Health Champion” training aims to provide you with the tools needed to be an effective champion.
At this training, attendees will learn:
- About the health impacts of climate change
- How to take action to make systems level change – whether it’s within your workplace or via policy change
- How to become a media spokesperson and lend your expertise as a health provider
The training is sponsored by the CMA Foundation, the Network of Ethnic Physician Organizations and the Public Health Institute, Center for Climate Change and Health. The training takes place at the Alameda-Contra Costa Medical Association at 6230 Claremont Ave in Oakland.
To find out more and sign up, click here.