Develop a marketing strategy to keep your practice competitive

Develop a marketing strategy to keep your practice competitive

December 14, 2017
Area(s) of Interest: Practice Management 

In today’s constantly changing health care environment, physicians in small and solo practices find themselves at a disadvantage when competing against large groups and large health care systems for access to patients. While a solo or small group physician’s reputation for providing accessible quality of care should go a long way in assuring a stable patient base, the development of a marketing strategy or plan can certainly aid a physician in building and/or maintaining a viable practice. For more information, see CMA On-Call document #0100, "Accessing Patients: Marketing and Other Steps Physicians Can Take."





Develop a marketing strategy to keep your practice competitive.
In today’s constantly changing health care environment, physicians in small and solo practices find themselves at a disadvantage when competing against large groups and large health care systems for access to patients. While a solo or small group physician’s reputation for providing accessible quality of care should go a long way in assuring a stable patient base, the development of a marketing strategy or plan can certainly aid a physician in building and/or maintaining a viable practice. For more information, see “Practice Check-Up: Marketing Your Practice” and CMA On-Call document #0100, “Accessing Patients: Marketing and Other Steps Physicians Can Take.”



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