Q1 resolutions now accepting testimony

Q1 resolutions now accepting testimony

November 14, 2016
Area(s) of Interest: Physician Leadership 

As part of its policy-making process, the California Medical Association (CMA) allows members to submit resolutions for debate and discussion throughout the year. These resolutions will be considered by the standing Councils and Subcommittees, and will be presented to the Board of Trustees for consideration to be adopted as policy for the association.

There are now nine new resolutions online for consideration in the first quarter of 2017. They are posted at www.cmadocs.org/hod and will be available for testimony until December 9, 2016.

After testimony closes, the resolutions and all the testimony will be forwarded to the appropriate CMA council or subcommittee for consideration. Member testimony and feedback will be considered by the councils and subcommittees as they make policy recommendations to the Board of Trustees. The trustees will then take action on the recommendations at their next meeting, in the first quarter of 2017.

Please click here to access the discussion portal for year-round resolutions. You will need to log-in with your CMA web account. Before providing testimony, please take a moment to read any background materials and/or analyses, which can be found in the upper right corner of each resolution page.

Resolutions to be considered in Q1 include:

  • Public Health Risks of Antibiotic Resistant Microbial Organism Emergence
  • 201-17: Interpreter Reimbursement
  • 202-17: Optometrist Co-management Fees
  • 203-17: Payment Policies by Medicare Advantage
  • 204-17: Prepayment Audits Need More Regulation to Prevent Inappropriate Denial of Care
  • 205-17: Preserving Medi-Cal Patient Access to Care by Protecting Financial Stability of Providers
  • 301-17: Member Input on State Ballot Proposition Positions
  • 302-17: Option for Prepayment of Membership Dues
  • 303-17: Effective Grassroots Communication


How to submit a resolution

If you are interested in submitting a resolution for consideration in the second quarter of 2017, the submission deadline is January 22, 2017. You are encouraged, however, to submit to resolutions@cmadocs.org well in advance of the deadline to ensure that your policy idea is considered promptly.

Please read the guidelines before submitting a resolution. Resolutions that do not follow the guidelines will be rejected.

Contact: CMA member service center, (800) 786-4262 or memberservice@cmadocs.org.



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