Mike Steenburgh is the Vice President of Membership, Marketing and Component Relations overseeing membership recruitment and retention in partnership with CMA’s 37 component societies. Additionally, Mike oversees Corporate Development in the form of affinity programs, corporate engagement and event management. 

Prior to joining CMA in 2011 as the Executive Director of their subsidiary, Component Medical Society Services, he served as the Executive Director of San Joaquin Medical Society and in several marketing positions in the private, public and non-profit sectors. (LinkedIn)

Center for Membership and Marketing

Membership within CMA is broadly represented by large integrated groups, practices of all sizes, academic and hospital-based physicians, and a large population of solo physicians. Member retention and member recruitment are undoubtedly the two pillars of CMA’s Center for Membership and Marketing, but at its core are the myriad member services tailored to reach each of these unique segments. From the member help line and dedicated service team to various professional and personal member-only benefits—CMA exists to serve its members, regardless of their specialty or mode of practice.
This center is also responsible for CMA’s corporate development and strategic partnerships.

Component Medical Society Services

While CMA delivers countless member services at the state level, CMS Services works in partnership with our 37 county medical societies to provide administrative support, executive services and affinity programs to meet physician needs at the local level. It is through this partnership that we collectively provide value to our members.

Why Join CMA?

From advocacy and billing assistance to discount programs and leadership opportunities, explore CMA's member benefits! 

Not a CMA member?

Join more than 50,000 physicians making a direct impact on the practice of medicine and the health of California.