Eligibility & Responsibilities

To be eligible for CMA Accreditation, you must meet the following criteria: 

  • Headquarters reside in California or another state where CMA is approved by ACCME to accredit CME providers.
  • Offer CME to a physician audience that is at least 70% from the state or contiguous state(s) of where the organization is accredited.
  • Develop and/or present a program of CME for physicians on a regular and recurring basis.
  • Not be a commercial interest as defined by the ACCME.
  • Not develop and/or present a program of CME that is, in the judgment of the CMA and ACCME, devoted to advancement on unscientific modalities of diagnosis or therapy.
  • Present activities that have “valid” content.
    • Specifically, the organization must be presenting activities that promote recommendations, treatment or manners of practicing medicine that are within the definition of CME.
    • Providers are not eligible for accreditation if they present activities that promote treatments that are known to have risks or dangers that outweigh the benefits or are known to be ineffective in the treatment of patients.
  • When there is a question regarding eligibility, CMA reserves the right to make decisions on the issue.
  • More information found at the ACCME website.

CMA expects providers to have an active and ongoing role to maintain compliance with accreditation requirements. To maintain CMA Accreditation, you must meet the following responsibilities: 

  • Maintain compliance with accreditation rules.
  • Fulfill your year-end reporting requirements in the Program and Activity Reporting System (PARS).
  • Pay accreditation fees on and/or by the date they are due 
  • Promptly inform CMA of organizational and personnel changes, in alignment with ACCME policy. Providers must keep PARS contact information accurate and current and send updated Demographic Information Forms to the CMA CME office whenever there are changes in organization contacts. 
  • Respond to ACCME and/or CMA requests for evidence of your continuous compliance with the accreditation requirements by the date they are requested.

There are five accreditation status options, per ACCME:

  1. Provisional Accreditation
  2. Accreditation
  3. Accreditation with Commendation
  4. Probation
  5. Nonaccreditation

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