Share Your Story

Want to get profiles in #CMADocs? Simply answer any of the suggested questions – choose what resonates with you – and we’ll develop a profile for your approval. Please also include any relevant pictures and links to videos, news articles, or other background materials. Feel free to submit on behalf of a colleague you admire!

Email your submissions to news@cmadocs.org with #CMAdocs in the headline.

Suggested Questions


  • Why did you become a doctor? 
  • What makes you most proud to be a physician? 
  • What do you see other doctors doing that inspires you? 
  • What is the hardest part about being a physician? 
  • What has surprised you the most about being a doctor? 
  • What do you wish the public understood about the practice of medicine? 
  • What advice do you have for the next generation of physicians? 


  • What do you value most in working with your patients?
  • Unique experience shared with your patients? 
  • What has been something that you have learned from your patients? 
  • What is the most important thing patients can do for their health? 


  • Tell us about a specialty or community initiative – why did you create or join the project? 
  • How is the project helping your community? 
  • What’s been the most surprising thing you’ve learned through the experience? 
  • Advice for other doctors considering community engagement? 


  • Tell us about a colleague you’re inspired by – how have they made an impact with their patients and/or community? 
  • How does this colleague go above and beyond in their daily work? 
  • What’s the best part about working with this colleague? 

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